City Shadows Gallery

Scans of Darkroom Prints by Dave Krueger of Huntsville, Alabama

Home / Chromega Light Mixer Lining /

4. Remove the "pressure loop".

flickr-6469617103.jpg 5.  Remove the long pins that hold the top styrofoam piece in place.Thumbnails3.  Remove the 6 screws that hold the cover on.5.  Remove the long pins that hold the top styrofoam piece in place.Thumbnails3.  Remove the 6 screws that hold the cover on.5.  Remove the long pins that hold the top styrofoam piece in place.Thumbnails3.  Remove the 6 screws that hold the cover on.5.  Remove the long pins that hold the top styrofoam piece in place.Thumbnails3.  Remove the 6 screws that hold the cover on.5.  Remove the long pins that hold the top styrofoam piece in place.Thumbnails3.  Remove the 6 screws that hold the cover on.

The pressure loop is just a sheet of plastic that holds the liner in place inside the box.

Negative Number
Dave Krueger