City Shadows Gallery

Scans of Darkroom Prints by Dave Krueger of Huntsville, Alabama

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Bug eyes

flickr-5610447806.jpg Huntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dogHuntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dogHuntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dogHuntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dogHuntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dogHuntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dogHuntsville Museum of ArtThumbnails104350-22  Ghost dog

Corner of building in downtown Huntsville, AL.

Nikon F100 with Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 lens.

Rollei IR400 at EI 400 developed in Rodinal 1:50.

Printed on Adorama Glossy RC 8x10.

This was shot without a filter, just using it as an ordinary B&W film. Being capable of fulfilling that role makes it quite versatile.

I had problems (very tiny white specs) with this film when I developed it in Xtol, so I tried Rodinal which worked fine. I still don't know the cause of the problems, but I will be playing with it again this spring/summer.

Negative Number
Dave Krueger