City Shadows Gallery

Scans of Darkroom Prints by Dave Krueger of Huntsville, Alabama

Home / Chromega Light Mixer Lining /

8. Old lining to the left, new one to the right.

flickr-6469617289.jpg 9.  I bevelled the top edge of the top foam piece so it would fit under the cover.Thumbnails7.  Remove the old diffuser.9.  I bevelled the top edge of the top foam piece so it would fit under the cover.Thumbnails7.  Remove the old diffuser.9.  I bevelled the top edge of the top foam piece so it would fit under the cover.Thumbnails7.  Remove the old diffuser.9.  I bevelled the top edge of the top foam piece so it would fit under the cover.Thumbnails7.  Remove the old diffuser.9.  I bevelled the top edge of the top foam piece so it would fit under the cover.Thumbnails7.  Remove the old diffuser.
Negative Number
Dave Krueger