City Shadows Gallery

Scans of Darkroom Prints by Dave Krueger of Huntsville, Alabama

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Fork and Ball studio setup (digital)

flickr-6947524603.jpg Martini Glass studio setup (digital)Thumbnailsmartini-redclay2012Martini Glass studio setup (digital)Thumbnailsmartini-redclay2012Martini Glass studio setup (digital)Thumbnailsmartini-redclay2012Martini Glass studio setup (digital)Thumbnailsmartini-redclay2012Martini Glass studio setup (digital)Thumbnailsmartini-redclay2012

This is a digital snapshot of the studio setup I used for the fork and ball picture (part of the "Submissions to 2012 Red Clay Survey" picture set). The camera is a Nikon F100, with an old non-AIS 35mm f2.8 Nikon lens. The fixed focal length lens was chosen to give the appearance of distance with fairly deep depth of field while avoiding the curvature distortion common to zoom lenses. The horizon light is a 4-foot florescent light fixture attached under the rear edge of the table. The main light was from the softbox above the table. I don't think the other monolight (on the left was actually used for the final shot).

Dave Krueger